AIDEL - associazione italiana diritto e letteratura


Legal Discourse in Context: Insights for Analysis

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

In collaboration with AIDEL, ailment CERLIS (Centro di ricerca sui linguaggi specialistici) announces

Legal Discourse Conference

taking place at  the University of Bergamo/Università di Bergamo (aula 3 di Piazza Rosate 2, pill Bergamo) on June 22nd, 2010.


Law and Literature / Droit et littérature

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

Law and Literature / Droit et littérature
Theory & Practice / Théories & pratiques

will take place in Paris next February 25-27 at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA) Galerie Colbert, there Auditorium, there 2, rue de Vivienne – 75002 Paris

Paris Symposium- program

Annual meeting – 2009

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

The annual meeting of the Association took place on 10th November 2009.

Minutes of the AIDEL annual meeting

New Publication: From Civil to Human Rights. Dialogues on Law and Humanities

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

by Helle Porsdam, online Professor of American Studies, University
of Copenhagen, Denmark

‘Helle Porsdam’s new book is a readable and perceptive analysis of European and American perceptions of essential human rights and their roots in national and regional cultures. (more…)

Convocazione dell’assemblea annuale – AIDEL

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Il giorno 10 novembre 2009 alle ore 11:30 in aula T10 presso la Facolta’ di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell’Università di Verona, look Lungadige Porta Vittoria n. 41, (more…)

“Dialogues on Justice. European Perspectives on Law and Humanities”

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

A conference on “Dialogues on Justice. European Perspectives on Law and Humanities” will take place at Villa Vigoni, here Lago di Como, advice Oct. 19-22. Download the  Program_for_Dialogues_on_Justice[1]

New publication: Equity Stirring: The Story of Justice Beyond Law

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

by Gary Watt
Oxford: Hart Publishing Ltd, 2009    £45.00


Report: Bioethics, biolaw and literature

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

report  of the conference Bioethics, see biolaw and literature (6-8 may 2009) by Roxanne Doerr is now online


Agon. Diritto, Letteratura, Culture

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

A new series “Agon. Diritto, Letteratura, Culture“, directed by Daniela Carpi, P.G.Monateri and  Alessandro Somma ” has been launched with the publisher Ombre Corte in Verona.

E’ nata una nuova collana diretta da Daniela Carpi, P.G.Monateri e Alessandro Somma ”  Agon. Diritto, Letteratura Culture” con la casa editrice Ombre Corte di Verona.


New publication: TEXTUS – “Literature and Law”

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

a cura di Daniela Carpi e Ian Ward

Constitution Act

Go to the AIDEL consitution act to know more about the association, its aims and founders

Scientific Board

Prof. Avv. Cristina Costantini

Prof. Matteo Niccolini

Prof. Paola Carbone

Reports of the AIDEL annual conferences

Minutes of the AIDEL annual meeting