AIDEL - associazione italiana diritto e letteratura
Pólemos 01/2009
Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009Pólemos
Sunday, June 14th, 2009New Publication: Law, Text and Terror
Sunday, June 14th, 2009Ian Ward, hospital Law, here Text and Terror, prescription Cambridge University Press, 2009
19-20 June, Nuovi Temi e tecniche della comparazione giuridica
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009Download official agenda & schedule:
18 -20 June Official Programme (PDF)
6-8 May – Bioethics, biolaw and literature
Sunday, May 3rd, 2009Download official agenda & schedule:
6-8 May Official Programme (MS Word)
A report of the conference by Roxanne Doerr is now available
Pólemos 02/2008
Tuesday, March 17th, 2009Bioethics, biolaw and literature
6-8 May 2009 – Verona
Sala Farinati, and Biblioteca Civica
Università degli Studi di Verona
Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Dipartimento di Anglistica
Associazione Italiana di Anglistica AIA
Associazione Italiana di Diritto e Letteratura AIDEL
Società Cattolica di Assicurazione
Provincia di Verona
The conference proposes an interdisciplinary exploration of bioethical and biojuridical issues through literature, generic in order to promote reflection on the dynamics and the possible relations among the various disciplines. Therefore, online various fields will be taken into account: the philosophy of medicine, law and the philosophy of law, morality, ethics, as well as – of course – bioethics, biolaw and literature. Our aim is to highlight the importance of literature for a deeper analysis and better understanding of devouringly important topics in bioethics and biolaw, such as the concepts of personhood, human being and moral status.
New publication: Shakespeare and the Law
Monday, March 2nd, 2009Paul Raffield and Gary Watt eds., Shakespeare and the Law , Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2008.
New publication: Lines of Equity
Monday, March 2nd, 2009Lines of Equity: Literature and the Origins of Law in Later Stuart England . Cornell University Press, 2008.
New publication: Crossing Borders: law, language and literature
Sunday, March 1st, 2009Jeanne Gaakeer and Francois Ost eds., Crossing Borders: law, language and literature, Wolf Legal Publishers, The Netherlands, 2008.
Constitution Act
Go to the AIDEL consitution act to know more about the association, its aims and founders
Scientific Board
- President
Prof. Daniela Carpi - Vice-President
Prof. Piergiuseppe Monateri - Members
Prof. Avv. Cristina Costantini
- Secretary and Treasurer
Prof. Chiara Battisti - Responsible for Polemos
Prof. Sidia Fiorato
Reports of the AIDEL annual conferences
Minutes of the AIDEL annual meeting