AIDEL - associazione italiana diritto e letteratura

Paola Carbone

Università IULM
Department of Human Studies
Via Carlo Bo, 1
20143 Milan, Italy

Since 2005: Associate Professor at IULM University (Milan)
– 2014 National Scientific Qualification as full professor (10/L1 – SSD L-LIN/10)
– 1994-2005: Assistant Professor at IULM University (Milan)
– 1992-94: Assistant Professor I.U.L.M. (Feltre and Milan)

since 2018 “Visual and Media Studies” coordinated by prof. Vincenzo Trione
2013-2018 “Letterature e media: narratività e linguaggi” coordinated by Prof. Silvano Nigro and Prof. Vincenzo Trione
1999-2012 “Comparative Literatures” coordinated by Prof. Giovanni Puglisi

She has taught courses in: English Literature (modernism, postmodernism, and digital literature); Literature, arts and media; Digital storytelling; Literatures in English; Electronic Publishing; English Translation; Professional Writing.
In 2002 she conceived and coordinated the Master (FSE-Fondo Sociale Europeo) in Electronic Publishing at the Libera Università IULM.


  • Since 2018: Member of the Joint Commission for the Master’s degree course in Television, Cinema and New Media of the Faculty of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising
  • Since 2006: Member of the graduation board as representative of the Ministry of Education for the Degree in Linguistic operator (Diploma di mediatore linguistico).
  • 2002-04: Member of the technical-scientific committee of the Centro di Servizio per le Tecnologie informatiche a supporto della didattica e della ricerca – (CIDER) directed by Prof. Giovanni Siri.
  • 2001-02: Member of the technical-scientific committee of the Centro di ricerca applicata directed by Prof. Marino Livolsi;
  • 2001-02: Member of the technical-scientific committee of the Centro di Cultura Digitale directed by Prof. Patrizia Nerozzi;
  • 2001-02: Member of the technical-scientific committee of the Laboratorio didattico di informatica e communication technology directed by Prof. Carlo Antonio Ricciardi;
  • 2000-03 and 1995-97 Assistant professor delegate at the Faculty of Foreign Language and literature.

Her fields of research include: contemporary fiction in English (modern and postmodern literature); electronic literature and culture; Indian literature in English; law and literature; human rights and literature; electronic writing; postcolonial literatures; Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne.


  • Since 2005: member of the international research group on law and literature coordinated by Prof. Daniela Carpi (University of Verona) and Prof. Pier Giuseppe Monateri (University of
    Turin). She maintains AIDEL website:
  • 2022-23: “Superare la vendetta per assicurare la pace” (Overcoming Revenge to Ensure Peace’)
  • 2019-20: Ontologia digitale e intelligenza artificiale tra visioni letterarie e questioni giuridiche” (Digital Ontology and Artificial Intelligence between Literary Visions and Legal Issues’)
  • 2016-18: “Canon and anti-canon, contradiction and system between law and literature”, interdisciplinary and interdepartmental project on law and literature coordinated by Prof.
    Giuseppe Rossi;
  • 2016-2018: “Le riviste del novecento e del duemila fra avanguardie e postmoderno”: member of the departmental research group coordinated by Prof. Paolo Giovannetti;
  • 2012 “The limits of contemporary storytelling”: departmental research project coordinated by Prof. Paolo Giovannetti;
  • 2010-12: “Towards a Global Literature: Translation and its Reception, Images of Otherness and Cultural Politics”: departmental research project coordinated by Prof. Timothy Parks
    and Prof. Edoardo Zuccato;
  • June 2008: attendance at the EpiDoc Summer School held at the Humanities Laboratory (IULM University) by Tom Elliott (Associate Director for Digital Programs, Institute for the
    Study of the Ancient World, New York University), Gabriel Bodard and Charlotte Tupman(Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London).
  • 2007-08: “Literature and cognitive processes”: member of the reaserch group coordinated by Prof. Paolo Moderato and Prof. Patrizia Nerozzi
  • 2006-2007: conception and supervision of the activities of the GamesLab, a laboratory for the critical study of videogames at Università IULM;


  • Since 2000 supervisor and coordinator of the Tristram Shandy Web (, a digital critical edition of The Life and Opinion of Tristram Shandy, Gent by Laurence Sterne, which received a special mention for the best digital content at eContent Award 2005;
  • 2007 conception and organization with Dr Anna Re of the conference “Ambiente@SecondLife” which took place in Second Life (10th May 2007). The event was part of the collateral
    initiatives of the “Settimana IULM per l’Ambiente” realized for the “Decennio allo Sviluppo Sostenibile (DESS)” of General Assembly of the United Nations 2005-2014
  • 2004-07 MURST project on the visualization of information in Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne;
  • 2000-2002 coordinator of the MURST Project (ex 60%) on “La geometria della interazione come materialità architettonica del pensiero: ipertestualità, arte, letteratura” (The Geometry
    of Interaction: Hypertext, Arts and Literature);
  • 1997-99 Scientific coordinator of the CNR project “Self-access to English Literature through digital media”; national project in collaboration with the University of Turin and the
    Cattolica University of Milano; PI Prof. Dante Liano (Università Cattolica di Milano);


Since 2006 she has co-organized several national and international conferences:

  • 2022: AIDEL Annual Conference: “’Prompted to my Revenge by Heaven and Hell’: peace, War, Revenge and the Law”, 23-24-25 November, IULM Univeristy
  • 2019: XXIX AIA CONFERENCE – “Thinking out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries” ; Padova 5-7 Sept 2019 . Panel title: “Thinking out of AI algorithms. Technological determinism in digital culture”
  • 2018: “Il diritto per immagini: architettura, arti figurative, fumetto, danza”, 11 aprile 2018: co-organized with Prof. Giuseppe Rossi and Prof. Maria Migliazza at IULM University ; in collaboration with AIDEL and the European Parliament;
  • 2017: co-organization of the panel “Designing Identity: Technology, Media and Politics in Complexity”, XXVIII AIA CONFERENCE – Pisa 14-16 Sept 2017 with Prof. Chiara Battisti and Prof. Sidia Fiorato (University of Verona)
  • 2017: Sixth Annual Conference of ESPRit “Conflict in the Periodical Press”, IULM Milan, 28-30 June. Co-organizer with Paolo Giovannetti, Mara Logaldo and Andrea Chiurato;
  • 2017: “Raccontare il diritto: letteratura, cinema, giornalismo, pubblicità, comunicazione istituzionale” (The storytelling of the law : literature, cinema, journalism, advertisement,
    institutional communication) (April 2017); co-organized with Prof. Giuseppe Rossi and Prof. Maria Migliazza at IULM University ; in collaboration with AIDEL and the European
    Parliament (Milan)
  • 2009: “Neuroesthetics: when art and the brain collide” (settembre 2009); international conference supported by the ESF European Science Foundation, at Libera Università IULM ;
  • 2006: “games@IULM” (May 2006, in collaboration with Stanford University) . As a joint initiative, a retrospective called “L’arte videoludica di Mauro Ceolin” dedicated to Mauro Ceolin (May 2006);



  • G. Rossi, P. Carbone, Diritto e comicità, Giappichelli Editore, Torino 2021.
  • La lanterna magica di Tristram Shandy. Visualità e informazione, ordine ed entropia, paradossi e trompe-l’oeil nel romanzo di Sterne, Ombre corte, Verona 2008.
  • G.Cacciola, P.Carbone, P. Ferri, A.Solidoro, Manuale di editoria multimediale, Editore
  • Guerini, Milano 2004
  • PatchworkTheory: dalla letteratura postmoderna all’ipertesto, Mimesis, Milano 2001
  • Il portolano dell’anglista, Mimesis, Milano 1999

Editings (With theoretical introduction and essays)

  • Pólemos, Journal Of Law, Literature And Culture, vol 15, 2022, n. 2 on “Great Powers with No Responsibility?”
  • e-Literature in ePublishing, Mimesis, Milano 2002.
  • Le comunità virtuali, Mimesis, Milano 1999 (eds. P. Carbone e P. Ferri).
  • Congenialità e traduzione, Mimesis, Milano 1998.


  • Carbone, Paola, Rossi, Giuseppe (2023). “Is Bureaucracy the Answer of the Law to Digital Technologies?”. PÓLEMOS, vol. 17, p. 137-161, ISSN: 2035-5262, doi: 10.1515/pol-2023-2011
  • Paola Carbone and Giuseppe Rossi, “Introduction to the Focus Great Powers with No Responsibility?”, Pólemos, Journal Of Law, Literature And Culture, vol 15, n. 2, 149-160.
  • Paola Carbone and Giuseppe Rossi,”Digital Voodoo: Who Does What?”, Pólemos, 14(1), 2020, pp. 91-129. doi:
  • “Posts Manent, Lex Volat: Detective Stories In Electronic Literature,” In Chiara Battisti And Sidia Fiorato (Eds.), Law And The Humanities: Cultural Perspectives, (Berlin And New York: De Gruyter, 2019): 499-522.
  • “Digital Technologies and Concrete Poetry: Word, Algorithm, Body”, in Nina Engelhardt and Julia Hoydis (eds.), Representations of Science in Twenty-First-Century Fiction. Human and Temporal Connectivities, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019pp. 75-91. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-19490-1_5.
  • Carbone, Paola e Rossi, Giuseppe, “Who is the Monster? Laughing at Friends and Foes”, in Daniela Carpi (ed.), Monsters and Monstrosity. From the Canon to the Anti-Canon: Literary and Juridical Subversions , De Gruyter, Berlin and Boston 2019, pp.157-179. ISBN:978-3-11-065219-2.
  • “Nuove forme di comunicazione”. Una conversazione con Paola Carbone di Emanuele Monegato, in Altre Modernità, Special Issue: Gli Studi Culturali e l’università italiana, settembre 2017, pp. 31-35. DOI:
  • “Fair Hearing and Fair Play in Multicultural Societies: Diasporic Narrations from the Commonwealth”, in Carpi, Daniela and Klaus Stierstorfer (eds.), Diaspora, Law and Literature , De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017, pp. 69-86.
  • Giuseppe Rossi e Paola Carbone, “Ethics and Law at Play on the Football Pitch”, in Carpi, Daniela and Leiboff, Marett (eds.), Fables of the Law. Fairy Tales in a Legal Context, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2016, pp. 209-243.
  • “Fashion in India: Coercion or a Flag for Freedom?”, in Polemos, 2016, n. 2, pp. 81-100.
  • “Cibo e potere in India: prospettive identitarie nella letteratura indiana di lingua inglese”, in Altre Modernità [S.l.], n. 13, May 2015, pp. 84-99. ISSN 2035-7680. Disponibile all’indirizzo: <>. Data di accesso: 03 Jun. 2015 doi:10.13130/2035-7680/4834.
  • Paola Carbone and Giuseppe Rossi, “Celsus and Chatwin go Walkabout “, Pólemos, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 175–197, ISSN (Online) 2036-4601, ISSN (Print) 2035-5262,DOI: 10.1515/pol-2015-0012, April 2015
  • “Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters and the Cause of Female Literacy in India”, a cura di Ian Ward, Literature and Human Rights, The Law, the Language and the Limitations of Human Discourse, De Druyter, Berlin, 2015, pp. 205-227.
  • “A White Tiger in the Indian Law Jungle. A Reading of Aravind Adiga’s Debut Novel”, PólemosVolume 7, Issue 1, March 2013 , pp. 123–142, ISSN (Online) 2036-4601, ISSN (Print) 2035-5262, DOI: 10.1515/pol-2013-0007.
  • Sanza cultura, e d’ abitanti nuda. e-Literature in the Global Arena”, Testo a fronte , n. 48 – I semestre 2013, pp. 175-199.
  • ” ‘Almost’ and ‘our own way’: Two Keywords for Children and Teenagers in English Postcolonial Literature”, in Childhood and Society, New series, vol. 1, n. 1, 2011, New York, pp. 25-40.
  • “One Monstrous Ogre and One Patchwork: Girl: Two Nameless Beings” in Daniela Carpi (ed.), Bioethics and Biolaw through Literature, de Gruyter, Berlino e Boston 2011, pp.219-238.
  • Bleeding Through. Layers of Los Angeles, 1920-1986: A Multimedia Verbal-Visual Detective Story”, Pólemos, 1/2011, pp. 85-103.
  • “An Externalist Approach to Literature: from Novel to cave Writing”, in Riccardo Manzotti, Situated Aesthetics. Art Beyond the Skin, Imprint Academic, UK and USA, 2011, pp. 155-170.
  • La dissoluzione dell’esserci nell’arte digitale”, POLI-FEMO, vol. 1, 2009, p. 213-237

Publication ON LINE

“A short History of Electronic Literature” in five parts, Nova100 de (Oct-Dec 2011):

  1. “La letteratura generativa”:
  2. “L’ipertesto ovvero un patchwork di spazi concettuali”:
  3. “Codework, ovvero il codice macchina come ready-made”:
  4. “Il database e l’eccedenza significativa del livello dell’informazione”:
  5. “Le narrazioni nei social media”:

Constitution Act

Go to the AIDEL consitution act to know more about the association, its aims and founders

Scientific Board

Prof. Avv. Cristina Costantini

Prof. Matteo Niccolini

Prof. Paola Carbone

Reports of the AIDEL annual conferences

Minutes of the AIDEL annual meeting