AIDEL - associazione italiana diritto e letteratura

2018 fee

Dear Colleagues and friends, the new year has started and I wish you all a glorious 2018. I take the occasion to remind you of the necessity to pay the association fee of 50 euro, which is fundamental for the survival of our journal Polemos. The details of the bank account are

Associazione AIDEL

Banco Popolare Società Cooperativa

IBAN:  IT77-X-05034- 11711- 000000005966 (This is the international code which must be inserted)


Best regards to you all.

Daniela Carpi

Constitution Act

Go to the AIDEL consitution act to know more about the association, its aims and founders

Scientific Board

Prof. Avv. Cristina Costantini

Prof. Matteo Niccolini

Prof. Paola Carbone

Reports of the AIDEL annual conferences

Minutes of the AIDEL annual meeting