AIDEL - associazione italiana diritto e letteratura

AIDEL conference 2013 – “Voices of Power/Power of Voices”

Dear AIDEL members, sick

here is the call for papers for the next AIDEL conference which will be held in Verona (14-15-16 November, 2013) on “Voices of Power/Power of Voices”.

For a short description of the topic see 2013_aidel_cfp_power_of_voices-voices_of_power_[1]-1x

Titles and Abstracts must be sent to me by June 1st [].

Daniela Carpi


Constitution Act

Go to the AIDEL consitution act to know more about the association, its aims and founders

Scientific Board

Prof. Avv. Cristina Costantini

Prof. Matteo Niccolini

Prof. Paola Carbone

Reports of the AIDEL annual conferences

Minutes of the AIDEL annual meeting